Solar Energy Ready to Go Green?

Even though the cost of solar panels has significantly decreased in the past few years, their cost of getting a solar panel installation is still considered a pretty costly investment. That’s not saying the solar panel installation isn’t going to be worth the cost, because it will be, but some businesses / homeowners aren’t going to be able to afford the upfront cost of solar panels.

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Home solar solutions typically involve the installation of solar panels on the roof or in the yard to harness sunlight and convert it into electricity. These systems can help reduce electricity bills and reliance on traditional grid power, while also being environmentally friendly. They often come with inverters to convert the DC power generated by the panels into AC power for use in the home. Additionally, battery storage systems can be integrated to store excess energy generated during the day for use during periods of low sunlight or at night. Would you like more details on installation, cost, or anything specific?


For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), solar solutions can offer several benefits, including cost savings on electricity bills, reducing carbon footprint, and enhancing brand image through sustainability initiatives. SME solar solutions typically involve customized solar panel installations based on the energy needs and available space of the business premises. These installations may include rooftop solar panels, ground-mounted arrays, or solar carports. In addition to solar panels, inverters, and possibly battery storage, SMEs may also benefit from energy management systems to optimize energy usage and monitor performance. Some governments and organizations offer incentives or financing options to encourage SMEs to adopt solar solutions. Would you like more information on specific aspects of SME solar solutions?


One key feature for corporate solar solutions is scalability. Corporate entities often have varying energy needs and may operate across multiple locations. Therefore, a scalable solar solution can be customized and expanded to meet the evolving energy demands of the corporation. This scalability allows businesses to start with a pilot project or install solar systems on select facilities and then gradually expand to cover additional sites or increase capacity as needed. Scalability ensures flexibility and cost-effectiveness, enabling corporations to adapt their solar infrastructure to changing energy requirements and business growth trajectories.

Ready to Save an Extra 40% on Your Energy Bill?

Quality Solutions

At Electair we only advise on the highest quality solutions to ensure your invest is exactly that, quality products and workmanship.

Need to keep the lights on !

Looking for a quality solution for your home or SME enviroment, We have quality solutions and the expertise to ensure you get quality, reliability and complete satisfaction in your solution we supply.

Want to go off the Grid !

Going off the Grid and not having any form of power from the local supplier is an expensive exercise, But our expert team are here to assist in ensuring we keep the project in budget and in time to meet your project deadlines. All workmanship comes with our in house guarantees and COC documentation.

Clean. Renewable. Efficient.

If you have questions and want to know more before deciding, get in touch and we can one of our experts will give you good sound advise on the best solution for you. Or Apply for an application and one of our friendly team members will assist with the application.

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